
Registration to teach at Brandeis’ Fall Splash 2023!

Teacher Registration: LINK

Program Details

What? Teach anything you want to high school students.
When? Saturday, November 18th from 11am-4pm 
Who? Middle & High school students

Splash is a one-weekend volunteer event. As a Splash teacher, you get to pick any subject that interests you and teach a unique class. Your class can be up to 55 minutes long (although you can request to teach a longer section) and can be anything from a hands-on activity with 5 students to a large lecture. You can teach as many classes as you want the entire weekend. Splash is entirely run by volunteers, a program for which you may log hours for.

Do you want to teach at Splash? Here is what you need to know.

Times : 11am-4pm EST

Deadlines: October 13th

Teacher Training: Wednesday October 18th from 7:30pm-8:30pm

Location: Splash will be held in person this year at Mandel Quad.

What should I teach? You can teach anything that you want! Well - almost anything. Since we are a pilot program at Brandeis we do not have access to fields or kitchens. You can teach quidditch, yoga, astrophysics, origami, or anything that you want. Check out previous year's courses in the "courses" side tab.
*Please note: although we say you can teach “anything,” we will not accept any classes that advocate illegal acts or classes on subjects that would not be appropriate for those under 18. If we have concerns about a proposed class, we will contact you and ask for more clarification. The administration team reserves the right to make the final judgment on whether or not any class will be put into the catalog.

What if something goes wrong? BEMCO will be on site and available at 781-736-3333 and the Brandeis police can be reached at 781-736-5000.

More Information: We’ll keep a running log of information for teachers on this page, so if you miss an email or need to make sure you’re up to date, just check back here.

Last modified by Brandeisadmin on Sept. 27, 2023 at 06:49 p.m.