ESS Biography
Major: English/History College/Employer: Brandeis Year of Graduation: 2024 |
Brief Biographical Sketch:
Not Available. Past Classes(Clicking a class title will bring you to the course's section of the corresponding course catalog)X367: The Art of the Crossword in Splash Spring 2022 (Apr. 09, 2022)
No one's ever said that solving a crossword puzzle was easy, but what do they say about constructing one? In this class, I'll teach you the basics of building your own crossword puzzles. From theming and grid construction to fill and clue-writing, I'll set you up with the knowledge and tools you need to start experimenting on your own. We'll talk about common pitfalls constructors everywhere fall into, and I'll share some of the lessons I've learned about word selection, consonant clusters, and the boundless joys of the letter 's'!. If you have any interest in puzzles, or in the fun and satisfaction that comes from creating them, this is your chance to explore. The world of the Crossword awaits!
X338: The Art of the Crossword in Splash Fall 2021 (Nov. 20 - 21, 2021)
What, exactly, is up with these crossword things, and why are they so much fun? We'll touch on their history and then get right into the action! For those interested in solving puzzles, I'll share some handy tips and tricks to get you started. For those who want to create their own puzzles, I'll teach you the basics of grid construction, word selection, theming, and clue-writing. Then, I'll get out of the way, and give you a chance to put your thinking cap on and start constructing for yourselves.
H302: Famous (and Infamous) Battles of Classical Europe in Splash Fall 2020 (Nov. 14, 2020)
A fun and engaging survey of Classical European Military History, covering topics such as the Punic Wars, Ceasar's Expeditions in Gaul, Roman-Parthian Conflict, and even the early victories of encroaching tribal cultures like the Goths and Visigoths.