ESS Biography

ZOE LAZAR, Brandeis sophomore studying sociology

Major: Sociology

College/Employer: Brandeis

Year of Graduation: 2023

Picture of Zoe Lazar

Brief Biographical Sketch:

I am a passionate learner and educator. I am excited to share with you all that I know and learn from you as well!

Past Classes

  (Clicking a class title will bring you to the course's section of the corresponding course catalog)

H327: The Perfect Bedtime Story in Splash Spring 2021 (Apr. 03 - 04, 2021)
This class is a hands on creative opportunity to learn about literature for children. We will dissect our favorite classics and then begin to build our OWN STORIES. You will leave knowing the five elements of a perfect bedtime story and so much more!

O323: The Perfect Bedtime Story in Splash Fall 2020 (Nov. 14, 2020)
Want to know what makes the perfect picture book? Do you want to bond over your favorite books from childhood? This class will be an exploration into the art of being a children's book author and what it takes to write a best seller. We will discuss illustrations, rhyme and much much more. Get ready to get creative and harness you inner child!