ESS Biography
ISABEL BAI, Brandeis First-Year studying Computer Science
Major: Computer Science College/Employer: Brandeis Year of Graduation: 2021 |
Brief Biographical Sketch:
I have always been interested in science since I was very young. However, I realized that biology and chemistry was not for me in high school. My friend suggested I try computer science, and I fell in love with it. Computer science is all about problem solving, which I love. It can be frustrating trying to debug a program, but once you do, you feel amazing. I hope to pass on my computer science knowledge and plant the seed of a computer science future for each of my students. In my free time I enjoy reading, listening to music, running, dancing, hanging out with friends, and watching League of Legends. Past Classes(Clicking a class title will bring you to the course's section of the corresponding course catalog)M194: A Brief Intro to Java in Splash Fall 2017 (Nov. 11, 2017)
This is a class for students with zero to very limited knowledge of programming in Java. This will be a crash course about Java and by the end of the class, students should have a brief understanding of Java, be able to know how to use terminal/powershell, and be able to code a simple straight line program.
Laptop is recommended, but not required. If you are bringing a laptop please download Sublime ( You need this as a text editor to code. Also, Macs come with Java, but for all other OS, you need to download Java (