Splash Fall '16
Course Catalog

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Arts College Preparation
Engineering Humanities
Math & Computer Science Social Science
Science Miscellaneous


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A147: Roots and Branches of American Traditional Music
Difficulty: *
Teachers: Rebecca Weiss

Learn about traditional music from different regions of the U.S. and its origins. What styles are out there? What makes them unique? This workshop will provide a chance to explore styles of music often neglected in American music education, such as New England, Appalachian, bluegrass, and Cajun.

A148: The Wonderful World of Fiddle Music and Musical Improv
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Rebecca Weiss

We'll learn exciting traditional tunes, develop musical improvising skills, and most importantly, have fun!

Students must have studied an instrument for at least two years.

A153: Introduction to Jewelry-Making Full!
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Erica Chai

In this course, you will learn the arts of making earrings. Each will have the opportunity to work hands-on and bring home at least a pair of earrings at the end of the day.

A161: The Art of Origami: Ingenious Paper Creations
Difficulty: *
Teachers: Meisui Liu

Origami is the art of creative paper folding that originated in the Imperial Japanese Court during the 17th century. Today Origami is a popular past time for many individuals. This class will go over step-by-step tutorial on how to fold beautiful and extravagant things out of paper. Come learn and create your very own origami art!

College Preparation

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C166: How to Master the Interview: Tips and Tricks
Difficulty: *
Teachers: jennifer sun

If you want to find a job or internship, then interviews are crucial. It's a lot more than talking about yourself. In this class, we'll go over common behavioral interview questions and how to answer them successfully. Afterwards, students will have the opportunity to practice these skills and see how they do.

C152: Let's Travel Abroad Together
Difficulty: *
Teachers: Erica Chai

Have you ever thought about studying abroad in college? If not, I will be guiding you through the "idea" using my own personal experiences.

I will also give you a list of available scholarships and teach you how to receive a scholarship since I was a two-time recipient of a study abroad scholarship.

None, just interest :)


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E165: 3D Design for 3D Printing
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Gabriel Seltzer

Come learn to design objects in 3D! We'll teach you the basics of creating models that are ready to 3D print. From action figures, to model rockets, to useful household gadgets, you'll be able to make it all! You'll know enough to take an idea for an object in your mind and hold it in your hand by the end of the day!

We'll focus on 3D design, with a very brief tutorial on how to 3D print your creations. We won't have time to print anything that you create the day of Splash, but you're always welcome to visit Deis3D and the MakerLab to make something to take home.


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H149: Introduction to Japanese
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Mira Pomerantz

In Introduction to Japanese, I will introduce people to Japanese culture and language. I will speak about language components like hiragana, katakana, kanji, and simple phrases. In addition, I will talk about various aspects of Japanese culture like art, anime, and movies.

H146: The Ethics of Hard Work: The Clash of Western and Eastern Ideals in America
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Lena Truong

This is a comprehensive course constructed to create dialogue and understanding of the ways “hard work” affects the lives of Asian Americans. Here, we will explore the history behind the said phrase, the model minority myth, the cultural clash between the West and the East, mental health, and the change over time. The underlying theme of this course is intersectionality; it is the idea that social identities, oppressive institutions and systems all interconnect and should be examined together.

H159: Introduction to Korean
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Jaeyeon Lyu

An hour-long course to learn basic and useful Korean greeting phrases and culture that you can see and hear from daily life in Korea.

H164: Introduction to Microeconomics
Difficulty: ***
Teachers: Rahul Sompuram

Do you want to learn how to think like an economist? This course introduces the field of microeconomics, which is the study of how individuals and firms make decisions and how these decisions interact. Since we only have an hour, we will mainly discuss the 10 principles of microeconomics. No previous experience is needed!

Math & Computer Science

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M156: An Introduction to Set Theory and Functions
Difficulty: ***
Teachers: Mark McAvoy

Unsatisfied with the input-output definition of the function you learned in Algebra? In this class we'll give a more rigorous definition. We'll begin with introducing the core notation used in Set Theory (e.g. $$ \in, \subset, \cup, \cap $$, and look at examples of sets using this notation. From this we will define a Correspondence (a Relation), and see that a function is a special case of a correspondence. If we have time we'll look at multi-variable functions or take questions, whichever the class prefers.

No prerequisites, but you will get more out of this course if you have taken or are taking Algebra I

M154: Introduction to Programming/Computer Science in Python
Difficulty: ***
Teachers: Arya Boudaie

Are you interested in learning how to make computer programs? In this class, I'll be going over the basics of how programming works - both in the sense of how to write a program, and how to think like your computer does.

There are no pre-reqs to this class, and anyone from any background should feel comfortable in the class. It's a shame that computer science isn't taught at many high schools, so I want this to be a good introduction, should you want to continue learning on your own.

Make sure you bring your own laptop, as you will be doing programming on it during class. You should also install Python 3 on it: https://www.python.org/downloads/

If you want to get ahead, you can do some of these exercises: codecademy.com/python

About the teachers:
Arya is a senior at Brandeis studying Computer Science and Music. He has been a TA for the Intro to CS course at Brandeis for three years, and did an internship at Google last summer.

Christa is a senior at Brandeis studying Biophysics and Art History, with a minor in Computer Science. She is applying for graduate school in Computational Biology.


M167: Lying with Statistics and the Z Test
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Eddy Zheng

This course intends to give a general overview of the introductory Statistics courses that many college students take. The second half of the course will focus on how statistics is used in our daily lives (science journals, media news, election, etc.) to manipulate public perception. Thus, this course will train your analytical eye to see through the surface of the numbers often reported in "studies."

M173: The Mystery of the Hexaflexagon Full!
Difficulty: *
Teachers: Christine Zhu

Want to explore the mysterious nature of the hexaflexagon? Then this is the class for you! The hexaflexagon is an origami creation that has the ability to flex. In this class, we will learn about the trihexaflexagon and the hexahexaflexagon, and how to make them.

Social Science

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O171: Abnormal Psychology
Difficulty: *
Teachers: Emma Gao

If you are interested in obtaining a Psychology Major, try out this class! This course will talk about the historical context of abnormal behavior, from the Mad King to Hippocrates. Have you ever said any of the following? "I think I have OCD", "I'm so depressed"? This class will also introduce you to a healthy way to view your anxiety upon your future.


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S144: The Power of Posture: What they Didn't Teach When You Learned about Puberty
Difficulty: **
Teachers: f s

Dicussed will be the importance of movement and functionality to the human body, how society robs us of movement, the consequences of this, and possible solutions. The importance of posture will be studied and each student will get to move and stand during this class. This will be a class where no one sits in chairs!

Open mind

S145: Theoretical Neuroscience
Difficulty: ***
Teachers: Alec Hoyland

Learn the basics of theoretical neuroscience, from computational models of small circuit dynamics to neurophenomenological researches into mental illness, intelligence, and thought. This class is intended for students seeking an in-depth explanation of neuroscience above that of an introductory psychology class.

Any high school leveled Math and Science class.

S150: Crash Course to DNA
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Irene Wong

This course will cover the Central Dogma of molecular biology, where we will discuss the transition from DNA to protein. Our class will feature a fun DNA extraction experiment from bananas!

S155: The Beginning and End of Our Universe
Difficulty: *
Teachers: Rebecca Rogers

A class that offers introductory level insight to the theories on how our Universe may have formed and how our Universe may end. This class is meant for those interested in Astronomy, Physics or just science in the general sense.

S157: Immortality, Mind Control, and Zombies
Difficulty: **
Teachers: David Landesman

Learn how concepts from fantasy and fiction appear in the real world! We will cover the following topics: life, death, immortality, mind control, and zombies in a biological context. We will examine the origin of viruses, mind controlling fungi, and more. Emphasis on class interaction and course will be taught through a biological lens.

Some background in biology in is recommended.

S158: Chemistry of Baking
Difficulty: *
Teachers: Christine Zhu

Interested in learning about how chemistry interplays with baking? Then this is the class for you! We will be going over how each ingredient used plays a critical role in formulating your final product, your delicious baked good.

basic chemistry knowledge

S160: Mind and Medicine
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Priyam Shah

An overview of the dysfunction of the brain and nervous system that lead to disease.

The course will cover the basics of the biology of the nervous system, as well as specifics about the current understanding of diseases (such as Parkinson's and Alzheimer's).

Demonstrations of science technology may be given, time permitting.

An understanding of basic biology and chemistry would be useful, but is NOT required for this class.

S162: Designing the Flu Vaccine
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Meisui Liu

Every year, people get their flu shots right before the flu season kicks in from October through May. But have you ever wondered where these flu vaccines come from? Who designs them? How were they designed? This class will go over the structure of flu virus, the basic science involving vaccine design, and the public health factors involved in vaccine creation.

S163: The Heart: The Engine of Life
Difficulty: **

An overview of the human cardiovascular system and common medical problems people have


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X170: Street Jazz Dancing
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Akshiti Todi

Do you love dancing and having fun? If so, this class is for you! We are going to be learning an energy filled dance to a recent song by Justin Bieber. To find out which one, come through! You are going to have the time of your life! ALL genders welcome and NO experience required!

X168: Introduction to 3D Animation
Difficulty: **
Teachers: Steven Chen

This course will introduce the aspect of 3D animation through the use of the Blender program. The student will learn how to animate and make movie scenes from scratch or from imported materials. Students will also gain first-hand experience/ guidance in making their own animation. There is no coding in this course!!

All you will need is a computer, mouse and the Blender programs. Download the program at this link! https://www.blender.org/download/ To check what bit your computer is, go to system information.